17 de octubre de 2011


Es una forma simple de actualizar cualquier prenda tan sencilla como una camiseta, vestido o camisa básica que te parece ya poco interesante.
It's a easy way of updating any garment as simple as a basic shirt, dress, tee or any kind of clothing that you don't find interesting anymore.

Miss Seldfridge $28,00

Image 1 of ASOS Pearl Collar Tips With Hanging ChainsImage 1 of ASOS Hand Chain Collar Tips

Image 1 of ASOS Spider Collar TipsImage 2 of Fiona Paxton Sequin Collar Necklace

Image 2 of Gemma Lister Rhinestone CollarImage 2 of Gemma Lister Gold Leather Collar

ASOS €12.82 (primeros tres / all first three) / €96.15 / €96.15 / €160.25

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